Surrealism dream design

This image is of a nightmare that I had once dreamt of, and to sum up the story of the nightmare; once a click of the fingers had occurred, an apocalyptic scene had appeared out of the blue.

This ‘nightmare’ relates to the Surrealism art movement with the key themes, which were as follows. The dream has an aspect of being uncanny as it shows the apocalypse setting being familiar but at the same time, it is alien as there is a lot going off simultaneously.

There is also a release of hidden desires, which could be; the freedom of anger that could be the fire and ‘hell’ that is shown as the eye, and the shocking new headline within the image.

For the constructed image to be related to the art movement; Surrealism, there needs to be ‘thanks for Surrealism, it seems that opportunity knocks a second time’ (Breton, A 1924 pg 452). Considering that the key theme for Surrealism is that artworks in the Surrealism category are way of releasing hidden desires.

surrealism dream version 2


Breton, A (1924) First Manifesto of Surrealism,

Harrison, C/ Wood, P (2003) Art in Theory 1900-2000, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing

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