Digital Surrealism portrait of Katy Perry

For my Surrealism portrait, I used two different images of artist Katy Perry. The first image was of her alter ego ‘Kathy Beth Terry’, and the second image was of Katy Perry herself. To create the style of Surrealism, I wanted to crop the images in half and place them together.

images together

To continue with the theme of Surrealism, I added a colourful background. Also, the opacity of the photographs was reduced so that the background was slightly visible.

colourful background


I as well included tiger skins in the foreground individually using the ‘Perspective’ transform tool so that it looks like the ‘skin’ is disappearing in to the ‘vanishing point’.


I also added a Sudoku image as well as a planet image for the ‘alter ego’ as it shows her imagination.

tiger eye

For the tiger’s eye, I used the Lasso tool so that I could select the eye of an image of a tiger. The purpose in why I have used an image of a tiger’s eye is that is relates to Katy Perry’s imagination.

final versionThe way that this image links to the style of Surrealism is that according to ArtRepublic (2015) surrealism is ‘dedicated to expressing the imagination’. This means that Surrealists express their imagination in their work.

My version of surrealism art shows a juxtaposition of the person featured, the way that it shows the juxtaposition of Katy Perry is that one half is of her alter ego ‘Katy Beth Terry’ and the other is of Katy Perry herself.


ArtRepublic (2015) Surrealism definition Available at: [Accessed: 5 Jan. 2015]